Blog categorized as Business Assistance

The Emotional Side to Selling Your Business

30.05.24 06:20 PM By MARK HERRMANN - Comment(s)
The Emotional Side to Selling Your Business
It is easy to get lost in the numbers when it comes to selling your business, but it is important to remember that the numbers only tell one side of the story. Both buying and selling a business come with significant mental and emotional ramifications.

The Builder Nuggets podcast with guest Mark HerrmannĀ 

05.09.23 01:09 PM By MARK HERRMANN - Comment(s)
The Builder Nuggets podcast with guest Mark HerrmannĀ 
Mark Herrmann was recently a guest on the podcast, The Builder Nuggets. A community of successful construction industry leaders, The Builder Nuggets is composed of award-winning builders, remodelers, business coaches, and industry experts that have come together to share their secrets of success.