
BizBuySell Market Insights

05.08.24 05:29 PM By MARK HERRMANN - Comment(s)
BizBuySell Market Insights
Small business acquisitions reached a familiar milestone in the second quarter after growing 5% over the past year and 3% from last quarter, according to BizBuySell's Insight Data, which tracks and analyzes U.S. business-for-sale transaction and sentiment from business owners, buyers, and brokers.

Due Diligence: What To Expect As A Seller

02.08.24 06:07 PM By MARK HERRMANN - Comment(s)
Due Diligence: What To Expect As A Seller
For most, the sale of a business is a new experience that requires sellers to learn many entirely foreign processes in a very short amount of time. The many steps to selling your business can be long and tedious, and chief amongst those steps in terms of length and tedium is due diligence.

SBA's Streamlined Process Fuels Record Small Business Applications

27.06.24 03:35 PM By MARK HERRMANN - Comment(s)
SBA's Streamlined Process Fuels Record Small Business Applications
For entrepreneurs looking to buy a small business, there are several ways to finance a business acquisition. Traditional bank loans, seller financing, and other funding sources offer a range of possibilities for structuring the deal.

When and How to Tell Your Employees About A Business Sale

27.06.24 03:21 PM By MARK HERRMANN - Comment(s)
When and How to Tell Your Employees About A Business Sale
If you've decided to sell your business, the question of when and how to tell your employees becomes a big concern. There's no way around it, and it's a very delicate matter that can have serious consequences if not handled properly.

The Emotional Side to Selling Your Business

30.05.24 06:20 PM By MARK HERRMANN - Comment(s)
The Emotional Side to Selling Your Business
It is easy to get lost in the numbers when it comes to selling your business, but it is important to remember that the numbers only tell one side of the story. Both buying and selling a business come with significant mental and emotional ramifications.