Blog tagged as Tax Planning

Getting Your Legal Affairs in Order Before a Business Sale

09.05.24 06:19 PM By MARK HERRMANN - Comment(s)
Getting Your Legal Affairs in Order Before a Business Sale
In the life-cycle of your business, there are few, if any, more important events than its sale and your exit. This is the culmination of years of hard-work and, as such, you should take all necessary steps to put yourself in an optimal negotiating position to maximize the value of your business.

Tax Implications of Selling Your Business

20.03.24 03:44 PM By MARK HERRMANN - Comment(s)
Tax Implications of Selling Your Business
Understanding the tax implications of selling your business is a critical first step in putting it up for sale. By better understanding the tax rates that apply, it’s possible to minimize your overall tax liability and maximize the tax benefits that come with selling a business.